

"The theatre is spacious because its illusion can reach into all dimensions of space and time. The stage is a space in which anything can be imagined."

-- How Does a Poem Mean?, by John Ciardi (on Ben Jonson's term, "spacious theatre")


First, something that came to mind while I was in a self-evident position:

I find it kinda funny,
I find it kinda sad:
That the things I've read while pooping
Are the best I've ever read.


And second, some really great things I read today:

"Art without mind is horrid." (Kant, qtd. by Ciardi)

"The least one should expect of poetry, is that it find for itself a language (or a diction) better than the reader could improvise." (Ciardi)

"Good writing tends to present evidence rather than judgments." (Ciardi)

"One's very expectation of what language can accomplish is enlarged in the process of seeing it so well used." (Ciardi)

Now, I can't exactly provide language "so well used" here (or anywhere, really), but Ciardi's got it down. Readers smell bullshit as soon as they read it; it's right in their face.

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