

"To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet..."

-- "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock," by T. S. Eliot


A story in pictures:


And now, the same story, with words:

Through hair, I dared to eat a peach--
That is, I (sort of) grew a beard.
Moustached, I looked just like a douche
And now I've shaved it off. It's weird.


And lastly, the same story, with a quip:

I have a job interview today. The hair had to go.


Daniel Silliman said...

I think that hair was hurting your eyesight.

JHitts said...

Pssh...That's nothing compared to the glory mane I just shaved off.

SC said...

@Daniel: Shaving has opened my eyes.

@Jack: There is no glory without photographs, my friend.